11:11:11 The Portal Is Now Open For Business
As we embark on November 11, 2018 (which translates to 11/11/11 in master numerology) a powerful portal is now open to us. It is a time in which we must be direct and conscious of our thoughts and beliefs as the power behind those messages we send to ourselves (and the universe) is amplified tenfold.
This is the perfect time to meditate on clearing those unconscious beliefs that are stored within our DNA from lifetimes of struggle and trauma that has been handed down to us not only from our own lifetimes, but also from our family’s lineage.
You have a big job to do and the portal of 11:11:11 is here to do the heavy lifting for you. But here’s the deal. You absolutely MUST be present. And you must want to clear that which is holding you back in life, love, health, relationships and business. In other words, the door is now open, but you need to walk thru it.
For some this will be easy, as your whole life has been leading you to this point in time. Along the way you have gathered the tools necessary for this momentous occasion and the lessons have been learned on the Law of Attraction and clearing out old karmic wounds.
For others it will seem daunting and a huge task as it means that you must face your own demons and dark shadows which can seem scary and overwhelming. It’s like that monster you swore was under your bed as a child is wanting to come out and you are hiding under the covers hoping it will just go away.
BUT the good news is that you now have the assistance of the entire universe and your guides to support you thru what many have called “The Dark Night Of The Soul.” And it’s actually a blessing that it’s all happening now!
You may not remember this, but you heroicly signed up for this masterful challenge. Long before you reincarnated here on Earth again to walk in your body, to meet the people you’ve met and to navigate thru the challenges and beautiful moments inherit in your life, you raised your hand and gallantly stepped forward to accept this honor. To once and for all gather your strength from all of your collective timelines to heal not only yourself, but the planet as well.
See, the world we see right now is in great need of healing. Just one look around at the current struggles and expressions of frustration, fear and hatred tells you deep down inside that it must end in order for us to ascend to a world of peace, love and harmony.
But you dont don’t get there by adding more fear and anger or by “killing” anything. It is only thru pure conscious love at every level will we begin to heal. Love for those who are hurting. Love for those who have hurt us. Love for the planet that is needing it so badly right now. And most importantly, love for your self.
Loving (and forgiving) your self is the highest most important thing you can do right now. Forgive your self for the mistakes you've made. Forgive your self for the people you've hurt. Love your self for the decisions you’ve made that led you to a life lesson. Love your self for being human. Just love your self and you will begin to see the power in that energy almost immediately.
I promise.
Sending love to you all...
- Christine Blosdale
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Christine Blosdale is a Transformational Speaker, Coach and Consultant Specializing in Wellness, Business, Product Development and the Service Industries. She’s also a multi million dollar fundraiser who prefers to use her time making the world a better place.